Thursday, October 18, 2018

Why Email marketing is important?

Why Email marketing is important?
Marketing is one of the core components that is required for competitive business proficiency. Every online business needs effective marketing strategies that can help them improve in their digital footprint.
Email marketing is one of the effective methods of promoting the brand over digital platforms. We at Media Junkie use effective email marketing strategy to help your brand recognizable among the online customer segment.
There is a number of reasons why email marketing is regarded as an important source for promoting business on digital platforms. Here are some of the major benefits of using email marketing;
Better Customer Approach:
One of the most pertaining advantages of email marketing is its professional use. Almost every person in the business, industrial, e-commerce and other fields have email IDs. This gives you an effective opportunity to specifically target the customer segment instead of announcing it online.
In addition, every person checks his email every day. In many professions, emails are considered aa the core communication channel between the working bodies. this ensures that every person with their personal email will be checking it daily or maybe within hours as well.
This points to the opportunity of effective promotion of the brand via emailing the customers. studies indicated that 54% of the people use emails on their cell phones in order to keep up with their work. Hence sending brand promotions via email are a sure guarantee that the customer will most likely interact with it.
Marketing process require additional financial resources to help fortify the brand promotion within the targeted customer segment. On the other hand, email marketing is the most affordable way to promote the brand.
The most pertaining financial requirements will be the registration of the official email and you will be establishing contacts in no time.
Real-time customer engagement:
Receiving email gives a psychological impact that something important has been sent via email. In addition, every professional communication occurs with email. The communication processes are now groomed with every person interacting via email.
This presents an excellent opportunity for integrating the business promotional advertisements within the email. This allows the customer to acknowledge the approach of the business as well as considers himself lucky as the business sent an email only to his address.
This particular feeling makes is not prominent with other marketing processes such as social media marketing, as they address the public as a whole, putting everyone at an equal level.
It's easy to measure:
Another pertaining aspect of email marketing is its easy and effective measurement. Unlike social media or PPC, email marketing tools have the ability to effectively record the progress of the email campaigns
The email marketing tools such as delivery rates, bounce rates, click rate etc. allow effective tracking of the processes of the business. Moreover, its easy to the community with the targeted segment more than other marketing tools.
In comparison, emails can be sent to selective segments, which makes them an effective way of segregating the customer segments. Each customer that has been contacted via email would allow effective promotional chances as equally as other platforms.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Do you need to increase the number of leads you generate..? Are sales slowing down.? Do you know you need to market online but don’t know where to start..? Do you need a new website..? Are you confused about how much you should spend & where....? Our Digital Expert will help you with that.

Why Email marketing is important?

Why Email marketing is important? Marketing is one of the core components that is required for competitive business proficiency. Every on...